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In partnership with the research group, PRAXIS-EA and the Institute of Transdisciplinary Advanced Studies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, the Behner Stiefel Center for Brazilian Studies co-sponsored the PRAXIS 10+ Seminar, which took place in April and May of 2022. This project was funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the project, US-Brazil Integrating Engineering and Social Science Research to Expand Perspectives on Water and Sustainability.
PRAXIS 10+ Videos
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Occupying the City
Featured Virtual Speaker
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Past Events
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Opening Session
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Exercising Politics
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Building Knowledge
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Looking at the City
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Designing Places
PRAXIS 10+ Seminar: Closing Session
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